I was out at the mall yesterday, and happened to run in to an old classmate from college at the Bell store, and saw him looking at a 9780 and an Atrix. I immediately had to go and talk to him and ask what his needs and wants were for the phone, and whipped out my 9700. I obviously told him about all the pro’s and how I have had my 9700 since release and it’s been flawless, and the 9780 was an upgraded version of my great phone. How OS6 has made the BlackBerry a more competitive smartphone, and the push technology makes them excellent communication devices. Now the Atrix is a good phone as well, but showing him hands on how my 9700 worked helped him seeing the phone first hand.
I didn’t stick around to see what his decision was, but later on Facebook I got a pm with his PIN, and with this I am asking, has your BlackBerry knowledge and addiction influenced people around you to get a BlackBerry, theme, apps or accessories? I know that I now have siblings, friends, and extended family addicted… do you?
Also, with the launch of the PlayBook, have you swayed people to hold off on a tablet purchase? Have you examined the strengths and weaknesses of the PlayBook versus the Ipad (1 and 2) as well as the many Android tablets becoming available. Have you adapted to the mentality that the PlayBook is for everyone, even though RIM is pushing it as the first business oriented tablet, seeing how many of us adopted BlackBerry’s for personal devices while they are mainly business oriented.

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